Is Facebook feeding your Ego?


Today we live in the world of false faces. People portray their lives to the outside world to be picture perfect but if you dare to examine these pictures closely you usually find relationships in tension, sadness and depression. Everywhere you turn there are people looking for approval from others, they want to make more money to impress people they don’t truly like and they want to modify their bodies so that they attract others who only like that aspect of them. It’s hard for anyone not to fall into this trap, because how nice does if feel to be liked? Very nice.
Unfortunately that nice feeling you gain from the approval of others is short lived and hollow, you may get the rush for 10 minutes like when 30 people like your selfie but soon that feeling falls into the abyss of lack and your right back where you started only you need a bigger hit next time, maybe it’s a new job or a new car, maybe you’ll get your hair straightened and take another selfie.
Studying peoples Facebook profile can be quite enlightening, by studying the types of posts and pictures one can get a fair idea of where someone is fairing consciously. Those who are addicted  to selfies are still believing that they are their bodies and usually their worth depends on their beauty or their braun. This undoubtedly is the ego at play and this type of ego has lots of friends. As well as the public agreed upon hottie there are also other types of individuals who fall into this trap such as the ones that are constantly negative and take on the screw the world approach.
Other people in the matching state “like” others who give them competition and validation for their narcissistic traits. What all of these collective egos are doing is creating a ball of fear and clinging to the unattainable, but shhh your not supposed to know that!
On the other side of the fence you have those who reside in between ego and higher self and here you might find an individual who indulges in the occasional brag, selfie or what I had for breakfast post but with these Facebook goers the camera points out to world around them, they are busy enjoying their life and wish to share some of the splendours with the FB community. If you study long enough you can tell that they are not doing it for the attention. It is safe to assume that these people are well adjusted and have better outside relationships whether with people, their environment or simply themselves.
Now that we can assess our own selves as to where we are spiritually what can we do about it? No matter where you are at this point the only thing you need to do is love yourself, don’t look to anyone else to give it to you, of course be grateful when they do, but truly love yourself.
A tool for achieving this state of loving-kindness for yourself is while in meditation or when sitting alone in a quiet place think of someone you really really love. This might be a child or a parent, your best friend or your dog. Now cultivate the emotion of love until you feel it very strongly, then replace the picture of your beloved with yourself and keep working to keep that vibration high. Do this every day for a month and see what happens! Look after yourself x

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